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Dominic Lamarre-Brunette 514-500-8509 SMSSMSSMS Fr

Groupe Lamarre

Dominic Lamarre-Brunette

Dominic Lamarre-Brunette
Chairman of Groupe Lamarre | Residential and commercial real estate broker

Before founding Groupe Lamarre, Dominic trained in the army and worked on construction sites. His discipline, sharp knowledge of real estate and willingness to go the extra mile for his customers have earned him several awards in his field. He approaches every transaction with the firm intention of providing his clientele with the best end to end service.

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Courtiers immobiliers

Audrey-Maude Pitre

Audrey-Maude Pitre

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Samuel Lamarre

Samuel Lamarre

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Salvatore Ciocca

Salvatore Ciocca
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Joseph Boulos

Joseph Boulos
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Robert Vitale

Robert Vitale
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Angelo Randazzo

Angelo Randazzo
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Krystel Roy

Krystel Roy
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Jürgen Diaz-Angeles

Jürgen Diaz-Angeles
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Aloys Nahayo

Aloys Nahayo
Residential real estate broker

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Caroline Duchesne

Caroline Duchesne
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CTinh Phan

Tinh Phan
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William-Jefferson Mina

William-Jefferson Mina
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Équipe Administrative

Aida Boutella

Aida Boutella
Coordinatrice de transactions et des communications

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Amanda Griffith

Amanda Griffith
Directrice de bureau

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Ariane Champagne

Ariane Champagne
Registration and Communications Coordinator

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Ilyes Abdelatif

Ilyes Abdelatif

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Équipe Marketing

Directeur marketing

Alexis Martineau
Directeur marketing

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